The entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial options
We want entrepreneurs to profit efficiently from the thinking, the experience and the inspiration of others
The Human Side of Business wants to help entrepreneurs to work efficiently on topics that they “wanted or should think about for a while”. We bring together entrepreneurial experience, scientific methodology and a journalistic orientation. We have achieved our goal when our clients make decisions through access to the thinking and knowledge of other entrepreneurs which be bring in. Our way of working is to show decision makers that their solutions are not without alternatives, but can be the result of a conscious choice of options.
We want to spare our fellow entrepreneurs and decision makers disappointments, waste of resources and waste of time.
We want to inspire each other
Inspiration and innovation have many sources. Often questions are often more inspiring than our answers. We at The Human Side of Business collect fundamental questions that entrepreneurs ask themselves. Of course, we then start looking for answers with them. Normally we succeed in inspiring them to build on their own resources.
Our impetus: a think tank for entrepreneurs
Our approach is that of a think tank. We are a group of specialists with entrepreneurial experience. Each of us works on one or more topics in such a way that we can include them directly in our business decisions.
We want to be non-political, non-ideological, non-dependent, scientific, analytical and critical, yet as pragmatic as entrepreneurs.
We are a private and an academic organization that researches, publishes, trains and advises on fundamental questions and decisions of entrepreneurial thinking and acting.