Learn and know

Objectives and research questions

The adequate use of knowledge and skills is a crucial success factor for many companies. Knowledge, skill, proper action and competence are building blocks for long-term competitiveness.  The challenge is to have the right knowledge and skills at the right time and place where they are needed.

One of the founding ideas of The Human Side of Business is to allow university knowledge to flow into practical entrepreneurial activity and for entrepreneurs to make their knowledge mutually available.


The research questions on learning and skills are:

  • What is knowledge anyway?
  • How do employees in an organization learn?
  • How do learning and motivation depend on each other? How is the accessibility and distribution of knowledge changing as a result of digitalization?
  • Do employees have different skills and achieve more today than in the past and should we therefore change our organizations?
  • Why do many attempts to get people to make their knowledge available to others fail?
  • What is the state of technical capability and psychology on the topic of knowledge management?
  • Who is using the technical capabilities and with what results?
  • Do we as humans learn anything about learning by making machines learn?

The current state of research

A whole range of scientific disciplines are concerned with this topic. At one end of the spectrum we follow neuropsychology as a representative of the natural sciences and at the other end we follow computer science with its technologies for knowledge management and artificial intelligence (machine learning).

We are currently supervising bachelor and master theses on this topic. We present their results on this platform.

Interesting publications on learning and knowledge

North, Klaus (2012) Wissensorientierte Unternehmensführung: Wertschöpfung durch Wissen. Wiesbaden: Gabler (Aktuell 5. Auflage)

Oestereich, Bernd / Schröder, Claudia (2017) Das kollegial geführte Unternehmen. Ideen und Praktiken für die agile Organisation von morgen. München: Vahlen.

Probst, Gilbert / Raub, Stefan / Rombardt, Kai (2012) Wissen managen. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Wohland, Gerhard / Wiemeyer, Matthias (2012) Denkwerkzeuge der Höchstleister. Warum dynamikrobuste Unternehmen Marktdruck erzeugen. Lüneburg: Unibuch.

Further material connected to “Learn and know” on this website:

How to deal with complexity

Knowledge management