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Zum Thema


For many years, the AI developer and venture capitalist Kai-Fu Lee has been a migrant between the American Silicon Valley and Chinese AI centers. He has written a thrilling book about the differences between the mentality of entrepreneurs, developers and politicians in these two high tech areas of the world.

Our value proposition

What we do

We help overcome entrepreneurial challenges and problems by providing the experience of fellow entrepreneurs and evidence-based scientific knowledge. On the one hand, we are scientists looking for proven problem-solving strategies for entrepreneurs, on the other hand, we are sparring partners for fellow entrepreneurs.


Digitization and Management

The Power of Management in the Period of Digital Transformation
By Josef G. Boeck, 2019

Our Team

Dr. Josef G. Böck
Founder und
Project Manager

Ralf Faschinger
Consultant, Coach

Heike Anna Koch
Lecturer, Coach

Current Articles

Zum Thema


For many years, the AI developer and venture capitalist Kai-Fu Lee has been a migrant between the American Silicon Valley and Chinese AI centers. He has written a thrilling book about the differences between the mentality of entrepreneurs, developers and politicians in these two high tech areas of the world.

Zum Thema


The commmunication consultancy interviewed Josef G. Boeck on Management in times of homeoffice. The full interview has been published in


Zum Thema


Dieser in Englisch verfasste Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit möglichst unvoreingenommener Beobachtung unserer Umwelt als die Basis unseres Verstehens. Zu schnell beobachten wir etwas und meinen, dass wir schnell handeln müssen. Der Beitrag argumentiert, dass es unsere Ressourcen schont und unsere Handlungsoptionen vergrößert, wenn wir vor dem Handeln zu verstehen versuchen, was wir beobachtet haben und wie das einzuordnen ist.

Zum Thema


Gerd Gigerenzer’s book is an inspiring tour through the world of Artificial Intelligence by a great psychologist and representative of common sense. We recomment the great read for entrepreneurs and managers who have to decide what sort of AI they want to let into their organisations and products.


Due to the constant adaptations of local Corona rules we currently do not offer open seminars and trainings in the analogue world.

What we can offer, though, are internal workshops, seminars and trainings which comply with the local rules. Or for some topics where it makes sense we use digital technology, particularly for our newly launched Curriculum for Digital Transformation Managers.


Join us as Expert

We invite entrepreneurs and researchers to enrich our think tank with their contributions. We offer a platform to exchange experiences, insights and analyses on entrepreneurial questions. If you want to know more, contact our editorial board through