Training for Digital Transformation Managers in Consulting and Project Management

As a result of our book Digitalisierung und Führungspraxis, we have developed a training concept for IT experts who want to develop into Digital Transformation Managers.

Digital Transformation Managers – Training offer

In recent years, many companies have come up with the idea of appointing a Digital Transformation Manager to drive forward their own digital transformation. Following the publication of the book Digitalisierung und Führungspraxis, we received numerous enquiries from small and medium-sized companies asking if we would like to help train transformation experts.

Our offer

In response to these requests, we have been offering a Digital Transformation Manager Á-la-Carte training programme since the second half of 2020.

IT experts can choose from 48 teaching units to round off their methodological and specialist knowledge.

The content of the units is identical to the full course, but the division into individual units allows them to work on a specific case study using the flipped/inverted classroom method.

To prepare for a decision in favour of the Boot Camp training course: we select four of the 48 teaching units to present our training concept and implement it straight away.

A choice of topics from the curriculum
  • The terminology of digital transformation from marketing, media, business and science
  • 60 years of digital transformation – what can we learn from it?
    Supporting analogue processes digitally – what is the state of the art? Where are we heading?
  • The path from analogue products via smart products to digital products
  • The interaction between the digitalisation of products and digital processes in companies
  • The expected effect of the digitalisation of products and processes on the productivity of companies – myths and practical experience
  • The impact of digital transformation on the work of managers
  • The impact of digital transformation on companies’ business models – what should IT experts know about it?
  • The organisation of transformation processes
  • Psychology of digital transformation – what should IT experts know about it?
  • Developing your own documents for project work and customising the methodology so that the topic, consultant and client fit together
Forms of implementation

We offer the complete course as open and closed seminars, the à la carte training only as a closed event for companies and organisations.

DTM-Flyer Training a la Carte (48 units 45 to 60 Minutes in Flipped Classroom Format including work on one’s own project)


We have developed accompanying material for each unit. This consists of a textbook text, Reflection Activators in the form of worksheets in Word format and a PowerPoint presentation for the classroom.


We are aimed at IT experts (development, consulting, management) with a good general knowledge of IT or digital product development who want to become trusted advisors for their customers in the digital transformation process. Participants know that their IT knowledge is the basis for their work, but that they also need to know more about the logic of decisions, business considerations in companies, project organisation, the state of the scientific debate on the impact of transformation and the drivers of transformation.


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